Tuesday, August 16, 2011

MapleStory Post "Enhancement"

Hi everybody~! How ya been~? XD

Who has gotten themselves a nice decent wa Weapon? I'm sure you do cause mostly all of you out there are all rich and cashy. Not to mention the loads of mesos you buy to get CraZy stats item O_o
So practically this morning after doing abit of Accounts. I went on9 to MapleStory for awhile. Going window shopping at Free Market. I saw a stand selling Enhancement scroll and decided to throw 1 at my Black belt. Of course it didn't fail xD If it did i would probably be slacking in Mulun Training Tower everyday! xD

Then another thought hit. Should i enhance my Dagger? My Current Dagger which i'm equipping.

So, i scouted every shop in the FM looking for a spare dagger just in case the Dagger blew up =='
I found a Dragon Kreda of WA 102. Ok....
So i bought a enhancement scroll at the nearest shop inside that same room.
Slowly, i moved my curse towards the dagger....
... moving
.... moving
....... Moving
.......... MOVING
...................... CLICKPhew! The enhancement was a success! xD Though some of you are wondering. Why are you so happy? Its just the 3rd enhancement?
Well, I had experience be4 where i actually boomed my blood dagger using my enhancement scroll. It was the first enhancement =='
I got bored since i checked all the shops ins FM. So i started back the stupid Alcaster quest that you have to do in order to buy Summoning Rocks, Magic Rocks and All Cure Potion from him. It was kinda annoying cause the first few part of the quest requires you to go up and down from El Nath to Orbis and Back againThat really took 5 mins of my boring time ==' Then i went down back the Orbis Tower again. I didn't have any of the Orbis Scroll thingy so i did the Manual way using Return Town Scrolls xDAfter 1 round it was time to go to School ==' I hate you Alcaster. Why cant your quest be more Simple yet effective to do like go kill a Big @ss monster?
Like Zakum? =P

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