Monday, June 18, 2012

Some things are just meant to be....

Have you ever wondered why we keep questioning everything occurring in life?
Its just who we are, we are just curious to know. Always want to know.

But some questions are just not meant to be answered no?
Reminds me of Men In Black 3 xD
"There are Questions that you don't want to know the Answers"
 This picture looks amazing yeah?
Just wondering how the trees actually grow and leaves shape exactly like that. Though it reminds me of the Plant Cell. With all those micro-organism. HAha XD

In this past few weeks, i'm also busy trying to prepare myself for my upcoming big exam. I have been reading, making notes and doing exercises. Somehow i just feel like i'm not doing enough :/
Like no matter how much i read, No matter how much i do all the exercise of my subjects. I just feel like i'm not going to get the minimum amount of As i want @.@

"There's no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person, for the best reason"

Yeah. I learned mine the hard way xD
Though its actually true,
If something good happens to us, we are grateful
If something bad happens to us, its just not meant to be

 I managed to get another picture on Facebook.
The technology we use these days to retrieve information XD

Be careful of the way you use your tongue. It might be one of the smallest muscles in your body, but it is the most dangerous. Because once the words leave your lips, you cannon retrieve them - so use it wisely.

So in this situation, you can use your tongue (or words even messages) that is mosts dangerous and yet unable to retrieve them because What is done can't be Undone.

Always remember what you are talking and especially to whom you are talking to.
Remember to think be4 letting go any words or your tone when you let those words out because those words will emotionally scar you for life if you are not careful.
"Don't Cry"
"I'll always try my best to make you smile"

Don't ever try to hurt those who are precious to you.
You will never know what you have until you lose it.
Do not lose them..
For you will keep thinking of them until they come back...

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