Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Changes in life...

So lately most of the craps and stuff have been sorted out from a very friend of mine. He wasn't actually a really close friend of mine but he actually helped me realise that there any many reasons between anything that happens and does not happen.
Its just how thing occur :)
 Like when you meet somebody in your class.
Let it be a new friend, your soon-to-be Best Friend or maybe somebody else.
Of course, before you judge any1 first. You have to get to know them first.

Judge the person based on the amount of pages they have because the more page they have, the more you can get to know that person.

I actually remembered that from a YouTube Video :X
And when Change starts to occur in your life, You can either conclude 2 reasons

You have learned A LOT or you have been hurt TOO many times.

Normally most people learned it the hard way...
Including me....
And the only way i let it all loose is by listening to music
The music that i listen depends on my mood.

Sometimes music is the only medicine the heart and soul need.

Just let it out.
Let all your emotions run out.
Cry If that what makes you feel better.
Cause at the end of the day, You start off Fresh Learning from your Previous Mistakes

-CryZ~ ^^

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