Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sometimes being Grateful is enough

 So as I'm no longer in A levels, currently in Foundation In Science (FIS) where its no longer fully exam oriented. Your marks is based on other events other then your final exam which only takes up 50% of the marks. The other 50% comes from quizzes, tests, assessments, and attendances.
Its a bit more relaxed compared to A levels on the speed of the teaching with the workload but its definitely more hectic as you constantly have to manage your time with assessments as well as dates of your next quiz or test of each subject for every week.

Now my general quiz marks for Chemistry is not really strong. I went through most of the quiz scored that I had acquired and it was kinda bad. Bad in a way that its not that low but its not as high as it should be as well. There are other subject that I'm okay but I prefer all my subjects to be well balanced and not 1 I can excel at and the other where it simply goes down the drain.
Perhaps I just need motivation
Then again, Its just how I seems to study. I don't really put enough effort. There are times I do study but from my point of view its simply just not enough yet I continue to do no changes whatsoever...
Whats wrong with me?
When I start to worry, I see other people with scored more less higher then me but regardless their like 10000x more stressed and worried then me. When I get my paper, I usually feel grateful that I didn't get lower and instead wonder why I couldn't get higher? Then move on to the next paper incoming.
I used to worry and worry about what will happen next and so on.

Regardless of how much you worry, it ain't gonna change a single thing. The only thing you can do is "Keep Moving Forward~!" (Meet the Robinsons lawl)
If your disappointed with your marks, throw that piece of paper that resembles your past and work harder to be better in the future!
Somehow I think i managed to motivate myself o-o

To top it off, If I were still in A Levels, I would be sitting for A2 examination starting tomorrow. I could sit here being sad that I could be still there completing my course and heading to a Degree program with better results. Well, That ain't happening. I just have to look forward and hope what comes in the future would be better then what I had in my past

One of my fond memories that I had in picture with these 2 girls :)

And to All my friends currently in A levels whom are sitting for A2 examination , I bid thee all Good Luck!
You know what? As long as your taking any exams now or next week or the month after that. I wish you good luck as well. Just sit down and show that paper your da baws.
Then after completing that paper, don't even bother looking through or discussing the answers as the paper is already over. Keep your thoughts and prepare for the next upcoming challenge.

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