Saturday, April 21, 2012

MapleStory Post "Maple Warrior 30 BOOM"

After a few days ( or weeks maybe) or blogging, i'm finally back on Maple! (For the time being be4 i lose my mood again because of the stupid skill book =3=)
I decided to keep doing the 2 new event quest that helps you start off your Cannon Shooter once it is playable at 14th May. The Mimir's water thingy with the Banana that can be used my other characters that gives exp based on your lvls. I even continued my Time Temple Quest where i hated to background music at the Path of Oblivion, and managed to finish the 999 Oblivion Monks and have made a comeback as lv 168 Shadower! Yeaaah~ XD

The again, i still have another 3 more sets of 999 mob kills and 1 more boss to actually enter the Pink Bean entrance map ._.

Oh well, more mobs to kill >_>

I also forgot to mention that I bought a Dragon Khanjar last week that cost a hole in my pocket (literally).
Sadly, as i potential-ed it and revealed it. It was only a 2 LINER F555. Oh well, at least i dont have to cube to get any nice stats, 3% luk is better then have crap accuracy or avoidability =.='

Then comes the heart braking part =P
Well not yet XD
I was deciding to buy Maple Warrior 30 skill book or not.
while deciding, i managed to scroll my future dagger which i'm gonna use after i'm done scrolling, enhancing, cubing and stuff. Its a work in progress >_<

So finally, i decided to buy my Maple Warrior 30 using @cash
Thats right, @cash.

20k just for the dam book =3=
... I'm gonna use it!
Here i go!!

:Stares at the screen:

What did i just saw?

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