Monday, August 27, 2018

The Semester has begun~

Yes, It is a miracle that I'm actually posting even when I said I would posting.

The new semester has commenced and I am another step closer towards graduation hopefully. With more and more new things to learn everyday with more work and assignments coming in, I should be happy to be busy once more so that I won't feel bored. As I mentioned previously, I did an internship at a pharmaceutical plant Kotra Pharma at Melaka during the semester break as part of the another module that I currently have this semester.
Basically it was another module during the semester break to simplify things.

I have learnt a lot of things, met a lot of people, and most importantly open my eyes towards the working world which I will be heading out to in a few years time. There are plenty of things that I would love to share about in my internship but I'll leave it to another post if I have the time (or remember to share it)

No, instead today I would just like to say what is on my mind as I enter back university and doing my Final Year Project and meeting back my classmates that I "should" have known for already 3 years.

Now being at internship has already opened my mind towards many people, different cultures, different language, etc etc.
I have to admit that there were a few language barriers everywhere you go, It is unavoidable. Like perhaps if you are with a group that only converse in another language that you don't understand. I had this problem ever since Foundation and it has dragged on now till the point where I don't bother anymore. They are simply just more comfortable in their group that it makes it very uncomfortable when other people attempt to join or hang out together as a class or a group.

But at the internship, regardless of whether there was any language barrier, they would always return back to a common language to explain everything which is English.
This opened my eyes as not every group of people is the same. Of course I don't have a choice now as the batch is the same throughout your study years and University but it won't be the same in working life.
Sure you might get the same people in working life but you have the option to mingle with people from other departments or perhaps after gathering enough working experience, you could job hunt to another company to expand your circle.
It has opened my mind to not only think of what I have to face but more to what will I have to face more in the future.

Sorry for such a out of topic random post that I gathered my thoughts on. I will try to resume my other usual post or another random post if I have the time.
Oh, Equalizer 2 is coming out next week.
I got something to look forward to 😃

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