Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kick-ass 2! and anime?

Recently, I just went to watch a movie at MBO cinema. The price rate is relatively cheap for students which is only RM9 for a ticket. Not to mention the same price for senior citizen so you can easily get less priced tickets for the family. Haha.
So yeah, the movie I watched is Kick-Ass 2!
To be honest, my first view to go and watch this show was because i saw Jim Carrey in it. Trolol.
I didn't watch the first Kick-Ass so I barely knew nothing much in the second sequel. Most of the time I was like "Whut?.... Whose that?.... How come?...."
So I just watched it till the end with no further question but just enjoying the movie that I had not much clue what was going on and it was actually quite nice :D
The storyline was ok though at halfway through the movie I finally started to understand what was going on. Then it got more interesting. Well, the inconsideration, the swearing, the blood and the etc etc. hahha
Jim Carrey didn't appear much after a certain time be cause apparently he wasn't the main guy (keep in mind I have no idea Kick-Ass was... you know Kick-Ass) I felt so stupid asking stupid question that even younger people can answer.

All I can say is the movie was good but too bad its 18+. 
Too much violence and swearing xD

Off to a more fictional world~
Naruto! :D

*For those who haven't read the latest manga or currently following the anime which i doubt has reached this part, Spoilers ahead. Scroll down or click somewhere else. lol*
I find it very happy that currently Naruto is fighting alongside his dad, Minato against Obito, the host of the 10-tails. They pulled off some crazy combos with the help of the Second hokage as well. The first Hokage off busy keeping Uchiha Madara at bay because I think his only existence to come back to life is just to meet Hashirama Senju.
I mean the almost the whole manga he's like. "HASHIRAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" XD

Its just sad that Minato is back due to the Edo Tensei that Orochimaru summoned but Kushina is not. Its like Kushina gets to spend more time in Naruto because there was more chakra inside him but Minato gets to ALIVE with Naruto.
Best part is witness how far their son has grown. Indeed so touching :3

Which raises another question, I wonder whats going to happen after all this is over?
All the hokages will vanish leaving Tsunade......
WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TO TSUNADE?!?!?! Still regenerating from slugs? hahha
Naruto will be left all alone again with the village.
God knows what Sasuke will suddenly do because in the latest manga, he seems to be frustrated again cause Naruto can wield like god dang alot of chakra like nothing.
and most importantly, who''ll become the next hokage?

But wait, Naruto is still a genin. XD
Jump ranks because his fighting alongside 2 hokages ryte now. Genin protecting everyone from the Village. OVERPOWERED GENIN FTW!

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