Sunday, February 17, 2019

When you start to take things slowly..

It is amazing how clear my mind becomes when I am just sitting blankly in a quiet environment thinking about things that happened in life all around me that makes me appreciate all the things that happen to me be it good or bad.
The only reason why my mind is thinking more frequently this way and why I am currently updating and writing this post is because I'm far away from my laptop (where I will always be mapling or some other stuff than updating this blog) and currently using a tablet with a wireless keyboard making use of free time other than browsing youtube or the web. Mobile games tend to turn me off at some point due to the high power usage and using a tablet that has no data is quite hard maintain constant playtime back home.

Hope everyone is doing well. Currently spending my sem break holiday overseas. However, this is one of the holidays where I feel like don't deserve it due to some studies problem and others. Like I know I should learn from my mistakes and everything but it doesn't change that feeling of worthlessness that I have. When you actually put in so much effort and time only to see all of it go to waste for nothing. I am very grateful for the support of my close family that really encourage me but my mind always wanders off..
What about my friends?
What about my future?
What will the seniors and juniors say?

I always convince myself to always put the thoughts of myself first before thinking about what other people would say. I can control what I think but not others. But it is still very hard and painful to listen to demotivating words or thoughts that may not be even conveyed  properly.

Some people say you need to be happy with yourself before you be happy with anyone else. Spent time with yourself first before opening yourself up to people.
But why does it feel so hard for me to do that?
Should probably learn to tackle this problem in the future...

Since I have a couple of free time away from my laptop and unable to play any games that take up most of my time, I would probably to try post something again soon. I recently saw How to train your dragon The hidden world and Alita Battle Angel so maybe I could write my own reviews on them but the movie might not be showing anymore in cinemas  xD.

I guess thats it for now

Till next time, CryZ

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