Better ready your reading Glasses! Cause this is gonna be very long post! XD
So Last week, My Soul Master, Knights of Cygnus finally reached lv 120! WhootS!
And now its time to complete the last and final quest of Knights of Cygnus Character!
So you start off by getting a quest notification on the left side of the screen. The Light Bulb in between the Star Quest and Justice Coin Quest.Nineheart then tells you then the knight Dunamis has gone missing after going to collect information and Orbis. He then tells you that the last known spot of Dunamis was at El Nath
When i reached El Nath, i had no clue whatsoever what am i suppose to do or whom i was suppose to talk to. As a result i wasted 20 minutes of my miserable time figuring out what to do. There were so many light bulb of quest everywhere @.@
The worst part is that there is no guide in the Quest list in the beginning ~.~
Finally after talking to the correct NPC, she continues talking about how Dunamis and Scadur was close friend, That Dunamis was a danger seeker that never really bothered about the danger that lies ahead.
And Finally after talking to her, She then mentions that Dunamis spends his free time hunting Zombies.
I was like Whaaaaaaaaaat? I'm suppose to hunt Coolie? @.@
Regardless i didn't have anything else to do so i traveled to the hunting place.
So That is what the Black Scale for.
After hunting a few Zombies, some of them..... well most of them drops the black scale. After picking up a piece, a quest notification pops out
Spiruna then talks to you about the black scale and how Dunamis also bought a piece of black scale to her.
I had to travel up back to Orbis =3=
Yeap, She sure did took a scale from Dunamis lol
She continues talking about the scale and when the phrase
"scales are from a special dragon"
I though Evan was involved xD but i was wroong :/
That piece of Dragon Scale made me travel all the way to Leafre ._.
Chief Tatamo then explains all about the Banished Dragon Race in between Manon and Griffey's forest.
Hmmm i wonder who might that be?
No Surprises there haha.
I mean most people past through this forest to get the either Manon or Griffey. Unless they only allow people who have quest to enter through this route.
Nix seems to recognise Dunamis...
The Scales are definitely from him but he doesn't move out from the forest at all times. How is his scales supposedly out there being passed aroud? Hmmmm....
It took me like more then a day just to complete the next part of the quest =='
You agree to help him hunt Manon and Griffey to clear the way so he could "move around" freely.
I mean COME ON! They keep respawning~ How does this help you lol
Finally after killing both those stupid idiots, i progress through the quest =='
He talks about a Black Witch that lives waaaay deep around the Dragon's Nest. When i saw "Dragon's Nest" My heart dropped as i needed to get a Bishop to door me inside that area as 50 fam is a requirement to enter that place :/
Lucky for me, i had a Bishop character in my brother's account xD
The place was located all the way inside in the Skelegon spawning Area. I wonder how most KOCs make it by without dying or burning pots @.@ as fighting them will only burn even more lol
i arrive at the scene to fight a Marble with a Light Bulb on its head. trololol
After "interacting" with the Marble, Dunamis's voice comes out informing you that the search is complete and he went back to Erev to finish the report. He left this voice recording to inform any other Knights that appear in this search area to return to Erev...
After Travelling back to Erev, (all the way from Leafre ._.)
Nineheart then told you that Dunamis never returned to Erev. He then state that your suppose to be supporting Dunamis~
Then He ask you to go to the same area to search for clues....
When you arrive back at the same location, You see a Fallen Knight who i assumed to be Dunamis. The moment you click on him, you are transported back to Erev
The Divine Bird,Shinsoo then explains that that Erev is being cursed by the Black Witch and ask me to finish her to save Erev and be the HERO! XD
Though it didn't say anything about the hero part =P
She then explains how she cursed Erev, How its much easier to curse something that its impenetrable from the inside then from the outside where all the protection is.
The Knights of Cygnus is really a collection of inexperienced knights serving a 10 year old girl. They are no match for Black Wing, since we have served Black Wizard for hundreds of years.
Tell that to a lv 120 Soul Master that cannot reach lv 200 xD
As you talk to her, there will 1 point that will be like a quest (Accept Decline)
If you agree with her, she says Ask you to run along and have fun =='
But if you Decline, She then starts the Battle with you.
Its soooo funny that she doesn't even realise your a knight and just ask you to move along after cursing the entire Erev, She shouldn't be expecting any visitors ryte? XD
All the Instructors are Stoooooooooooooooooneeed~ lol
I died the first time due to Reflect. Its not a 1-hit ko reflect but more of each hit, around 2k is reflected back. I wasn't paying attention to the Reflect sign and died after a few Brandish.
After death, your actually revived back at Leafre @.@
So i had to door myself back to the cave and talk to the Fallen knight again to be transported back to the same map at Erev
It was time for Round 2! XD
This time i was more careful and even making full use of Magic Crash.
So this time she couldn't even cast Reflect XD
After defeating her, She teleports out (just like any other Black Wing member that you kill)
And Erev is saveeed.
YEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ =P
You talk back to Shinsoo and exit on the left side of the map returning Erev back to normal.
You Don't Say Empress?
If nothing else, this chain of events makes one thing crystal clear. Its that you have put in countless hours of hard work to better yourself and be in position to make a positive contribution like this, not just for yourself but for the Knights of Cygnus.
Thats because i is AWESOME~
And that ends the Last and Final Quest for KOC
And the Moment Of Truth comes!
Ultimate Explorer!
The quest starts off with the name Empress Blessing.
She then explains that she can bestow her grace upon you but that power is getting weaker as she has been bestowing lots and lots of knights. Her Abilities come from a gem called Peridot.
And so the Hunt begins!
The Hunt for 5 Peridots!
Though last time it was 10 Peridots ><
I'll most probably start the hunt 2morow as i'm going back to my Shadower after i get back. :)
And who couldn't forget Akarium? XD
I'm guessing this will progress through the KOC side of Akarium but who knows?
I'll try out this Story Quest some other time~ =P
~Knights of Cygnus Completed~