First things first, i regret saying chemistry was easy ==' i got to know my marks be4 leaving school and i calculated that i only got a 68 out of 100 zzzzzzz Thats a B! Tell me how da hell did i get a B??!!?!?!? TT.TT
Well enuf about that, as you all know, 2day i sat for my Physics paper. thank god that 2DAY THIS TIME I DIDN'T GET PAPER 2 STR8. >_> i started off with paper 1 =D Hurrray me xD
I finished off paper 1. It wasn't that hard. But i think it was easier then Biology xD. After that there was no other paper but paper 3 cause the teacher in charge of resitting the exams say that i should take paper 1 and paper 3 and hand in to the woman inside the office be4 doing paper 2 that she would give after rehat. I was thinking 'Okay then, most likely I'll have paper 2 after rehat.' My paper 3 took longer then i expected and i managed to finish it buuuuut it took 10 minutes of my rehat time ==' so i had to rush down rite after i handed in my paper. Luckily, there was still Mee Hoon Kari xD
After rehat, i started my Paper 2!! Which was really messed up cause there so many students hanging out in front of the office. Since that yesterday was the last official day to resit exams, 2day my examination place was the table outside the office. Guess I'll be going back there 2morow =/ With all the students there, the noise started growing louder and louder making me kinda hard 2 concentrate on my paper.
+ it was sunny and i was sweating. I counldn't really think properly. So, i decided to take 1 last look at my watch be4 falling asleep on THAT TABLE by 12.00pm xD
By the time i woke up, every1 was not there. It was just me and my paper =D. But there was another problem.. I was still sleepy ==' so i got up and said Hey, why dont i go wash my face in the toilet?
I took my time slowly going and coming back from the toilet, washed my face. As i sat down on my table again to continue my Physics Paper 2, i look at my watch and got a shock. It was edi 12.40pm!!!
WAAAA i wasn't worried at first but i remembered that i had to take my Accounts 1 after this! I made zoom as i tried to finish my Physics ASAP!!!
By the time i finished my Physics. It was 2pm =='. I handed over my Physics paper and managed to read abit from the book be4 taking my Accounts Paper 1.
I have nothing to say about accounts. I just cant xD. So the only papers left for me to take 2morow are...
Accounts Paper 2
Pendidikan Islam Paper 1 and 2
O.O How am I going to finish 3 papers in around 4 hours? I only have like 8am to 12pm. And especially when i ave accounts Paper 2 which is seriously going to eat up alot of time =='. Oh well, i think i just have to hope for the best.
2morow is the last day ppl! Then I'm free!!! =DDD. Then most probably i can blog using my com xD
i think i better start studying accounts and agama. If i dont study, I'm sure to fail this 2 subjects =='